20 August, 2007


When I posted my last blog, I had some conflicting information from various sources. I went with what I thought was most accurate but, it turns out, I was mistaken. Since posting, I've been told otherwise from various people. I'm pretty sure I have the facts straight now:
  • The Muslim quarter is not closed to non-Muslims, nor is the Armenian quarter closed to non-Armenians. Go, visit, enjoy.
  • While the Muslim quarter is not closed to non-Muslims, the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are.
  • The Temple Mount, the courtyard in which they sit, is open daily to non-Muslims but only for limited periods of time.

See? You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.

Tomorrow I have to go downtown to the bank, and will take my camera with me to get some more pictures of the city. I'll also snap the campus and the dorms and get them posted. And, after multiple requests, I'll even see if I can't scrounge up some pictures that I'm in. Just ignore the fact I need a haircut.

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