23 October, 2007

Just to make sure I'm clear...

In re-reading my last post I realized that it kind of makes it sound as if I'm living in some kind of social isolation, like some kind of non-Hebrew-speaking exile. This couldn't be further from the truth. While the day-to-day life is a bit mundane, much like my life in DC, that doesn't mean I've been relegated to my dorm room.

In the past two weeks I've to Jerusalem with other Fulbrighters, toured a kibbutz and nature reserve, started-up ulpan classes again as well as Israeli Sign Language classes, went to a delicious Overseas Program dinner, attended Deaf Student Day at TAU, saw the first rain of the season (which, when a cloudy sky is a rare occurance, you can imagine what actual rain is like), and went to a presentation on something related to deafness last night where I met/re-met some very cool people. And I took pictures, בטח.

Anyway, I just didn't want you all think I was having a bad time here, cause the reality is very much the opposite.


Adriana said...

Ok, so I don't want to rain on your parade or anything but um...you either made a wrong assumption or you were lied to. Or there is a master Chihuly copy artist out there. The yellow art glass piece is by Dale Chihuly. I know this because 1. I'm smart. 2. I'm sort of an art snob. 3. The blue twin is hanging in the foyer of the Cinci art museum and I lurves it.

Read more here.

PS - Diana looked it up and that is a Chihuly. We just made you more cultured. ;) Like you needed our help.

Anonymous said...

Yay for no social isolation! Yay for a happy Dan! We love you and we miss you!